ELS Educational therapy is a one-on-one educational interventional programme. The programme consists of five core learning areas: visual perception, auditory perception, language, literacy and numeracy. The programme follows an individualised developmental approach. This may differ from one learning area to the next, depending on the child’s specific learning profile. The focus and content of the educational therapy is thus different for each child.

ELS focuses on the underlying problem(s) and not the symptoms. 

ELS is not  “remedial”, nor is it tutoring. It is not a “quick fix”. ELS recognises the underlying reasons why a child is struggling to keep up with his peers, academically, socially and behaviourally and focuses on addressing these “barriers” to learning. 

Its success lies in mediating thinking and giving meaning to tasks. This, in time, translates to learning areas and daily living skills, increased self confidence and independence. On completion of ELS therapy, a child  has developed strategies to problem solve as well as trained up skills that may have been delayed.

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“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual”

Albert Einstein

els aDdresses barriers to learning
who will benefit from els
the 5 pillars of els

The method and strategies used in ELS interventions are based on developments in the field of neuroscience. This includes increasing understanding of brain development, neuronal activity and brain ‘plasticity’. The ELS belief is that every child can learn and we follow an individualised approach to educational delivery. The focus is for children to develop ‘thinking for meaning’, be guided by mediation and achieve their highest possible level with core fundamentals being understood and scaffolded.

ELS is target driven with continuous planning, tracking and recording taking place with every ELS session.

  • Children with learning difficulties (reading, spelling, writing (dyslexia) and numeracy / mathematics (dyscalculia).
  • Children with receptive, expressive  and written language difficulties.
  • Children with auditory and visual perception delays.
  • Children with developmental delays.
  • Children with pervasive developmental delays related to disorders  and syndromes such as Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The programme consists of 5 core learning areas: visual perception; auditory perception and language which in turn support the development of numeracy and literacy.

The ELS programme is presented in the form of a manual and record / work book (for each learning area) which are used simultaneously.

The record / work book allows an accurate recording of a child’s progress through the various stages of each core learning area.